It's only just nearing the end of October, and winter's certainly on the way. But just because it's winter doesn't mean that the exercise routine has to go on hold. Despite the typical winter stereotype of warm fires, roasting chestnuts and plates heaped high with food, there's never been a better time to get in shape and show off. Whether you're an outdoors-y type who prefers wrapping up to go cycling and jogging, or maybe you prefer a nice warm gym to work out in - winter is a perfect time to get that body you want. We've got some great new accessories built for the active approach while still keeping you warm in all climates, and have searched all over to the must-haves to keep fit and trim this winter.
Soft Touch Pure Cotton Drawstring Fleece Joggers, £25 at M&S |
Antler Large 'Zee' Black And Red Multi-Purpose Holdall, £48.50 at Pure Luxuries |
Ultra Fit® Crew Neck Stretch Sports Vest, £19.50 at M&S |
It's just a small selection I've listed above - there's loads more on both sites ideal for the active man this winter. And don't go thinking you've got to cut out all those Christmas specials - with a regular exercise plan, you'll still be able to fit in some of those indulgent foods without feeling bad abut it afterwards. You've got to enjoy your exercise - once it becomes a chore, it's all to easy to make excuses to put it off - so why not enjoy your exercise routine in style (and comfort) this winter!